Research & Quality Improvement


During the first two years each resident is expected to develop a research project of sufficient quality to be published or presented as a poster or abstract and have that project completed by the end of residency. Residents are encouraged to develop a project in a field of their own interest and to associate with a sponsoring faculty member, many of whom are accomplished and published clinical researchers.

​The office of Graduate Medical Education provides support and expertise to assist the resident in the process of study design, Institutional Review Board approval, and statistical analysis. Residents also have access to the UTHSC and ASTHM libraries. The ASTHM library provides a dedicated research librarian for document search and retrieval.

Each spring the GME education office sponsors Resident Research Day, a formal event that showcases the scholarly and quality improvement activities of residents from all specialties.

Quality Improvement

Continuous quality improvement and patient safety are important aspects of clinical performance. Joint GME, Hospital and Program exercises provide a sound basis in the areas of quality improvement, peer review, reporting adverse events, performing RCA (Root Cause Analysis), and developing effective communication with patients.

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